Hence my "don't lift the bar" cue. For reference, my deadlift is 300#, front squat somewhere around 210, and clean somewhere around 175. Dec 4, 2023 · Instead, you might want your strength training program to consist of major barbell lifts, like the deadlift, squat, and bench press. Had to drop the weight down to 95b to start. There are no exercises that, by themselves, come even close to touching the benefits of a weighted squat or deadlift. May 9, 2016 · If you're looking to make good gainz overall you need to focus on the 4 major lifts bench, military press (shoulder press), squat, and deadlift. Start the movement, pause 1 or 2 inches off the floor, then continue. Agree. Squats work your legs better than the leg press will. The differences between the deadlift and squat are: Placement of resistance; Muscles used; Range of motion; Phases of Movement; Placement of Resistance. The Rogue S-3 Squat Stand has a 48" x 48" footprint. For a squat, you will also probably use a different stance, and may want to stand on a box to make it a squat instead of a half-squat. Front squats seem like an ok alternate for back squats Bent over rows instead of power cleans Maybe Romanian deadlifts instead of deadlifts? Meanwhile the reputation of the deadlift and squat have existed for far longer. Trap bar deadlifts and squats can be done using heavy weights for low reps. I spent a lot more time squatting and focusing on bracing to narrow my gap from close to 140% to close to 130%. There is that "12 strength tests" article on t nation from a few days ago. I was (am) following the normal 5x5 program. e. It also has a heavy deadlift day with front squats after that as well. Expand user menu . Control the motion of your butt here by pressing the knees out. One 2020 study found that both the squat and the deadlift resulted in similar improvement in lower-body maximal strength and jump performance. 5x5 Is a powerlifting program. Deadlift programming essentially identical and progressing at a similar rate between the two cycles, so doesn't appear that the squat style is affecting my deadlift at all. I have a hard time believing you are one of the ~0. Split squats or bulgarian split squats as u/flutitis mentioned are great exercises. Leg extensions are only if I need to strengthen that area more or as a warm up exercise for squats and deadlifts, but those will also be paired with leg curls. Have some common sense, deload it ~30-50%, start at 3x5, listen to your body, reduce the icrements to 5 pounds, read the programming section of But when push comes to shove, you just gotta be a bit inventive. So take that for what you will. com He follows the same position for deadlifts and prioritizes Romanian deadlifts (or trap-bar deadlifts in other cases) for maximal development of the back, traps, etc. This is a place that does not tolerate misinformation, outdated notions/ideas, BUT promotes anti-fragility and hope. Big up for lulz. Regardless it is a compound lift that will benefit a lifter it trains many of the same muscles as the deadlift save the quads. Doing deadlifts and not squats won't give you cancer, and it's better than Deadlifting is important, don't skip it. Decided to try something new and worked in 4 sets of squats twice per week for 15-20 reps with focus on breathing. Thinking all was well with my 5 reps at 425 I jumped up to 455. Ps: the squat and deadlift pictures in the article aren't excactly great form. Wait, let's clear this. I have a question. Paring it down further than that is just gonna be a go at minimalism that touches your bases rather than covers all your bases. Obviously that doesn't mean they don't work but each person can grow with his own lifts and the deadlifts really isn't the end all be all. The deficit deadlift is an alternative movement pattern that emphasizes the quads more. My physiotherapist wants me to do legpress and kettlebell deadlift for the next 3 months, due to an injury. So if you plan on going heavier with your deadlifts, you may need to squat or a variation of the squat. Apr 10, 2023 · Deadlifts and squats are effective exercises for gaining lower body strength. You cannot grind it out like a heavy squat, bench, or deadlift. It's fast in the grand scheme. The thing is that there is not one definitive way to do a squat or a deadlift. Jim has had lifters too weak to squat use 5/3/1 on the leg press. Nice, yeah I'm gonna go ahead with belt squats. High bar squat puts more range-of-motion/weight on the legs than a deadlift does. Do more squats at lower weights (e. Squats supplement deadlifts, but deadlifts do not supplement squats. They have long been known as the epitome of compound movements and if you want to develop your body to its full potential; including them into your routine is almost non-negotiable. You can just isolate shoulders. You could use a belt squat, you could do a leg extension, leg press, back extension combo. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Learning to brace on squats, which a belt will help with (even just the learning part), will make you feel secure while squatting. Jan 3, 2024 · Both the deadlift and squat are seen as leg-driven exercises. Instead of deciding between a squat vs. I always superset squats with some core exercise, results in awesome core activation during the squat and no wrist issues (remember to focus on high elbows, so the weight is on You can focus on just hinging at the hips and opening and closing the hip angle against the bar instead of being occupied with getting the bar up as often happens with normal deadlifts. Check out the Squat muscles vs. The human body can overcome pain. But don’t think the differences stop there! Ever the economist, Yates rarely performed a full deadlift, instead preferring to only lower the weight to just below the knees. The lower back fatigue after squats then doing deadlifts is killer for me. Or 135 to 315 in 12 weeks. Yea that's kind of an overblown effect of the deadlifts. Ultimately it depends on what you want. I dropped deadlifts for other stuff and I got way bigger than I was with deadlifts. Someone else would say squat. PC is a skill. They engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously and challenge the lifter to foster overall strength and muscle development. Snatch-grip deadlifts and barbell hack squats are supposed to hit the quads more, but I don't ever do them so I don't know how accurate that is. It's fine to make squats and deadlifts your meat and potatoes, but changing the variations (low bar, high bar, front squat, conventional deadlift, sumo deadlift, SLDL, RDL, SGDL) every now and then is good to keep things fresh and avoid overuse injuries. That means you have to put in the time to practice it over and over again. The way right now that feels the most comfortable and powerful for me to deadlift is to basically think of it as a squat variation, where my arms are just like hooks, and I'm doing this partial squat variation while weight dangles from my arms. 01% of humans who legitimately cannot squat due to their shoulder anatomy. And they all do it with less risk of injury. Everyone I know and all stats I see posted on here seem to have deadlift higher than squat, sometimes by some distance. deadlift muscles. I quickly just abandoned it for a regular squat rack I find that my core engages more during deadlifts than squats. My deadlift workout day - Warm up on bike, 5 mins Foam roll legs, back, tennis ball arms, chest, the whole gamut. Im doing the 4 day variation of nSuns and it has a heavy squat day, with the next workout being sumo deadlifts, but with lower percentages. Then 1RM. I feel like presses build fundamentals for strength and size. Also your heels are coming of the ground. Squat 5x5 Overhead press 5x5 Deadlift 1x5 To Deadlift 5x5 Overheadpress 5x5 Chin-ups 5x5 That's probably what you want to do on a beginner program like this. Having eccentric in deadlift helps with adding more TUT (time under tension), thus doing "more" work, but at the cost of lowering the weight (which decreases overall volume). These exercises have different variations. Each leg day was absolutely brutal. I feel like squats, cleans and deadlifts are three great exercises but I also don’t want to have chronic back pain and I can do some alternatives while my back gets better. Sort of true, but to different degrees and sections. That is if you really want to squat. With a lot more information about how to do the sumo deadlift available, every sub-heavyweight with long arms can now learn the more technical sumo lift and have it blow up faster than their other lifts. You deadlift because its one of the main competition lifts. The way I see it, there are six basic compound movements: squat, deadlift, bench press, standing press, chinups, and rows (or equivalent compound movements, i. Oct 3, 2023 · The squat will typically create more carryover to deadlift strength than the other way around. Whatever differences you run into could be solved by doing an isometric deadlift with a strap instead of a band. Would heavy trap bar Bulgarian split squats be a valid exercise instead of lunges? It’s funny you mentioned what you did because I’m curious about squatting heavy and trap bar deadlifting. Go do bodyweight explosive squat jumps- squat down, then explode n jump as high up or far forward as u can. Grip widths can be adjusted. Maybe consider paused deadlifts instead of deficit deads. I do super slow straight leg dead lifts for hammies but always with light weight. That article mentioned an elite lifter with ideal body type for squats can squat 10% below deadlift while a guy built for deadlifts can squat 19% below. Deadlifts vs. Don’t let that hold you back; do any of these deadlift alternatives instead Deadlift will put the hurting on your lower back I thought deadlifting with good form, you wouldn't feel a thing on your lower back. not everyone with a sumo deadlift is going to have the giga wide, full external rotation, 2 inch lock out deadlift lmao. Aug 12, 2022 · As such, opting to perform barbell squats over trap bar deadlifts affords more time and effort to hone in on this prerequisite movement. It really makes you lock in your starting position and makes you hyper aware of your mechanics. The two are different moves. I think it’s not a good idea to deadlift 3 times a week but maybe I wrong. Don't listen to people who say squats are the only option - there are plenty of people who cannot and shouldn't squat, but if you're a healthy person, you should at least try it. Aug 2, 2023 · As such, trap bar deadlifts are more of a total body exercise than barbell squats. In fact, I might even need to deadlift just the bar from cinder blocks at first. Wide stance squats do fire the flutes more, but it's not the same as the way a deadlift hits your hams/glutes. Despite being quite a bit stronger with deadlifts, I don't seem to have issues. As well for a while I was doing higher rep work and found that worked wonders. g. The placement of resistance is a huge difference between squats and Ah. 1 day I front squat + conventional deadlift, other day it's barbell rows instead of deadlifts. I think the stabilizers you work in deadlifts and squats are especially essential. Personally, the only way I ever found to use a Smith for squats that didn't hurt was to face the same as in your example 1, and put my feet WAY forward. The main lift that I care about is the deadlift anyway. I had this problem with squats early on and it ended up being my conditioning. deadlift puts more strain on your back, since half of the lifting comes from the leaning/bending of the upper torso. You could do box squat ( one of my favorites). It's actually really nice deadlifting after squats. Deadlift instead of squat Just started a new routine with front squats 2x a week and no back squats. RDL is inferior to DL in this program, and if OP does not understand why this is, he should deadlift instead of trying to make programs for individual focus, goals, weaknesses. I have no idea why, but it's the bottom of the squat that causes problems. SSB squats are probably a better squat replacement than trap bar deadlifts. Some people just aren’t able to deadlift safely or don’t have the necessary space or equipment. If you are using the free app you don't get the warmup calculator. He thinks I can do deadlifts. . In my personal opinion, I believe that low bar squats should be the primary squat used for gaining strength, while using the high bar squats only as an assistance exercise. Same for bar placement. After rupturing my ACL, tearing my meniscus and fracturing my patella, I have found the most comfortable squat position to be close stance, toes slightly out, low bar with forward lean. Clearly deads pair with running far better. Or if ur knees are really bees, go c a doctor or pt instead asking here Reply It's the most exhausting one and whenever I do it I feel super lazy the rest of the workout, so usually I just do all other exercises first and sometimes do deadlift last. Start light with the new variation and take your time to build it up with good form. Instead of doing a typical ABA, BAB system I'd stick with a set Mon/Wed/Fri system for what your current goals are. squats But which lift is better – the squat or the It literally deadlift in the name. In fact, my legs have grown better doing barbell lunges instead of squats. This is likely due to the squat training the legs through deeper ranges of motion while also passively building the back from a stability context. Been doing this on my current program provided by a pretty decent coach who walks the walk. Sometimes I do some squats as deadlift assistance and Vice versa but always lower weight low volume stuff (5x5 @ 65%). Squats : paused squats, squats eyes closed, heavy lunges Deadlifts : paused Romanian, single leg My best success has been using the alternative exercise as the main lift. I actually love it. May 2, 2024 · Should You Deadlift More Than You Squat? Most athletes have bigger deadlifts than squats due to shortened range of motion and time under tension. Day 1 (Squat day): Heavy back squats, medium weight paused squats, high rep front squats / good mornings Day 2 (bench day): Heavy bench, superset (close grip bench / cable row), superset (chest flys / pullups) Day 3 (deadlift day): Heavy deadlift, rack pull, superset (RDL / hanging leg raises) (rest) I don't use a straight leg deadlift, no. The average squat to deadlift ratio is 1:1. The goal for you is to vent, receive advice on navigating your pain, and leave feeling hopeful instead of weak, lost, fragile or broken. I’ve had two knee surgeries (torn MCL, damaged cartilage on the back of the patella, partially torn patellar tendon, ruined cartilage on the femur from the patella slamming into it, and a host of smaller ligaments that were knicked and torn), and what you come to realize is that perhaps your squat numbers will simply always lag. Ramp up the intensity slowly at first since you're CNS won't be used to so much in one day. Learn to use a belt and wear one for heavier sets. How many times a week can I do this and for how many sets. However, there are some major differences between the two. Deadlift hits legs, butt, and back. Absolutely you can make gains without deadlifts and squats. I’m currently squatting 3 times a week. Conv. They say trap bar deadlift is heavily quad dominant, so should I drop heavy squats, especially heavy trap and Bulgarian split squats on the I don’t. If I were to choose one, it would be deadlift. But on the serious, if injury prohibits squatting I think all the suggestions here are good. As my squat increases, my deadlift increases as well, but its always behind. Strength is hypertrophy (may not apply to short-term). The lifter will usually stand on an elevated platform by placing their feet on 45lb plates. View community ranking In the Top 50% of largest communities on Reddit Bench Only Routine. In comparison, the R-3 Power Rack has a 53" x 34" footprint. Alan Thrall covers it in this video. Deficit deadlifts instead of regular deadlifts as an example. But that doesn’t mean you have to include it in all your workouts. My max deadlifts are 200 kg for 8 on beltless deficit conventional, my max squats are 170kg for 10, 150kg for 20 all to atg. The human body does heal. Trap bar deadlifts. That being said, #teamlongarms and please don't ask me about my bench. So after all that we come to the conclusion that actually deadlifts are fine and the issue is that you were doing them while prefatigued. I've done leg days with heavy squats and heavy deadlifts many times in the last. Belt squats will just be there so I have some type of squat in the rotation. Bulgarian split squats (either with barbell or dumbbells) are also a great substitute, as it is leg press. Squat Main and Deadlift Variation on Tuesday then Deadlift Main and Squat variation on Friday, fatigue management is key cant go stupid heavy on both lifts on the same day. Favorable for an equipped squat, but not much so for a deadlift. Throw a barbell on your back or in the front rack position and you have a whole new exercise compared to holding two dumbbells. Why Do It: The Bulgarian split squat, or rear foot elevated split squat, is a fantastic exercise for developing not only your quads and glutes but also hip stability in the frontal plane (side to side), due to the stability required to squat with one leg elevated. Starting Strength advocates deadlifting every session for the first 2 weeks I believe. The soreness of high volume leg work hampers my recovery and makes me feels like an old man I've always thought front squat and deadlift was a much better combination than back squat and deadlift, but I think a lot of people just don't do front squat because its flexibility demands are greater and you can't lift quite as much. tl;dr - front squats are a great movement, but back squats allow you to accrue a relatively greater workload for the actual muscles of the thighs/legs, leading to, in principle, superior strength gains. The program states that for your pull day you alternate between deadlifts and rows being: Deadlifts 1x5+/Barbell rows 4x5, 1x5+ And for Leg day you start with heavy compund of: 2x5, 1x5+ squat My question is every single other heavy lift (bench, OHP, Rows) are 4x5, 1x5+ so this must be a typo for the deadlift and squat right? Dead lift focuses more on the posterior chain while squats engage the quads a bit more. Now that I've been cleared to getting back into lifting, would I be neglecting my posterior chain too much by substituting in Front Squats and Sumo deadlifts instead of the conventional ones in a SS-esque program? Deadlifting, in my experience, requires less direct training than all the other lifts. So I've concluded that I need to wait until I can see some physiotherapists and training specalists to identify exactly where my problem is. But don’t think about bending the knees, instead think about pushing them out and dropping your butt and down (like a squat). That 4 piece combo is great. The knee problems started again, particularly the day after I squat or deadlift. But honestly throwing a deadlift day in once a week or hell even once every two weeks will significantly add to this. Also, yeah doing 3x5 deads at your 5RM while adding 10 pounds and trying to hit a PR every workout is gonna kill you, no shit. I got decent squat and deadlifts, about 315 lbs 3 rep max for both. I’ll try to find a link. For Muscle Isolation The traditional barbell deadlift can help you build muscle mass, but the RDL is excellent for hypertrophy training . Other things will exacerbate it once it's missed it, but squats cause it 100% of the time. I suggest you try to fix the shoulder problem and or get your hands on a safety squat bar. Maybe if you use a bar and some sort of platform, but still you won't get the resistance in the bottom of the lift, so it will change deadlifts to rackpulls and squats to partial squats and it would become quite a cumbersome/weird lift trying to replicate heavy weights. This is because one can typically lift more weight in the low bar position, making it easier to overload the muscle. May 18, 2023 · Key Points: Deadlifts and squats both work your hip extensors (=your glutes), but differ in that squats work your quadriceps more than deadlifts do, and deadlifts work your back more than squats do. Both moves strengthen the muscles of the legs and glutes, but they activate slightly different muscle groups. I use chalk always and mixed grip on the top 3 sets. For example I have a squat day and a deadlift day. You lose out some of the aspects of full body strengthening as compared to a squat, but they will make your legs very strong. Descend plate by plate for 5 reps each. This is the most recent video of my deadlifting I use a narrow stance with toes pointed out. I believe it says your clean should be 80% of your front squat max. Lifting a heavy bar does build ancillary grip strength so that might be a weakness for bands. It is the single greatest butt building lift. For the squat you'll want the to be supported by something else than you hand like in a zercher squat or front squat, or use a broom stick to mimick the back squat. Why not just do them on separate days? I can do deadlifts or squats on their own fine but one after another is just suicide on my back. I haven’t tested any of those in quite a long time though. I've lifted almost exclusively sumo for about 12 months, and my glutes and hamstrings are lagging badly. Back in October, I suffered from a lower back injury that put me off of squats and deadlifts for a while. Here is what i'm doing: Day 1 Bench 5/3/1 OHP BBB sets Pull up 50 reps Day 2 Squat 5/3/1 Squat BBB sets Leg curl/leg extension 3x15-20 Day 3 OHP 5/3/1 Bench BBB sets One arm row 5x10 If you need to alternate deadlifts with rows, then do that. Mar 26, 2020 · There is no point in denying the power of the deadlift for building muscle mass and strength. So on squat day the squat takes precedence and goes first. Now before anyone hates on me or tells me I’m taking the easy way out, it’s because I really really love barbell back squats and anytime i deadlift I’d much rather squat. Maybe just a thought, since you're working on mobility issues which probably mean you'll have to take weight off the bar, have you considered doing things like zercher squats and RDL / SLDL. Front squat improves both of them. Why are you doing stiff legged deadlifts instead of regular deadlifts? Deadlifts are a good base compound exercise (like squats), but stiff-legged deadlifts wouldn't even come to my mind as one of the top 10 exercises. This same exact thing you said applies to deadlifting. Follow the app here. I am planning on running Madcow over the summer months, and I am thinking about substituting the deadlifts for front squats. You can even do it if you have a bit of lower back pain, since it is pretty much neutral. Pulling heavy ass weight on a deadlift can definitely be endorphin rush! But hell, being able to hold a decent weight on your back and squat no problem, that gives me an even bigger mind pump. I would prefer to get that ratio down to between 110-120%. do a lot of sets at 205). I mostly feel my lower back tired after deadlifting, but I end up on the day I deadlift with a better posture than the day before. If you're not powerlifting, then I agree you can freely use trap bar deadlifts as your main lower body strength movement in place of squats and deadlifts. Deadlift (85%): 1x2 @ 345 lbs Speed deadlift (70%): 6x3 @ 285 lbs (90-120 sec rest b/w sets)3 circuits (rest 90sec between exercises, 2-3 minutes between circuits): Stiff-leg deadlift: 8 reps - 195 lbs Bent over row: 8 reps - 195 lbs Weighted chin-up: 8 reps - BW+ 25 lbs Good morning: 8 reps - 120 lbs Maybe try box squats or SSB squats (if your gym has a safety squat bar), or some other squat variation that feels better for you. That particular demonstration is a variant of a squat pattern more than a hinge, but it is indeed possible to have more of a hinge/deadlift focus with a trap bar. Sumo is more of a squat movement, deadlift is a bending one. deadlift, we should learn about the details of these two exercises. He also believed that the potential for injury is high with deadlifts,so performed them at the end when his back was pre-exhausted, therefore lifting a lighter weight. Jan 19, 2024 · The squat and deadlift are two staple exercises, but which is better to build muscle? Learn when to prioritize which exercise, depending on your training goals. You can do squats and deads with them, but they are unable to replace the real heavy squats and deads. In general though, I wouldn’t neglect squats or deadlifts. 15 votes, 37 comments. I guess I'm actually deadlifting with good form. In that case for deadlifts it starts at 135lbx5, and then adds another set at either 50lbs (25 more on each side) or 40lbs (swap 25lb with 45lb on each side) more until you get near your working weight. Also, ATG. The 'improvement' in deadlift bars also play into this massively, while squat and bench bars have been the same for decades The incline is one of the biggest reasons not to use a Smith for deadlifts or squats. If you're following a program then slot it in as the heavier work. Do dumbell shrugs for trapz facepulls and OHP. Or just do the program, you'd go from the bar to 225 deadlift in 12 weeks. You can opt to perform back squats or front squats. Sumo trains your legs more, back less. Continue to practice light power cleans before you do Pendlay rows. I'm just over a year into lifting and I can already tell that deadlifts wipe me out a LOT more than squats do. This is my most recent squat. Bench Press hits front shoulders more, whereas Rows hits rear shoulders. But, that’s me. Plus, a lot of people only do 1 work set of deadlifts, so I don't mind waiting a few minutes for someone to finish their dead lift there. I lost form on a heavy squat awhile back and got a herniated disc that never quite healed. But it can certainly be used if needed. Mixing these up with other appropriate exercises (pull-ups, etc) can give a person a great base of strength that is useful everyday, can be applied in forever of traditional big We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Now you know a little more about trap bar deadlifts and squats, it’s time to judge these two exercises by a few different criteria: Strength . Because squats don't work hamstrings as much as deadlift, if I keep squashing a lot and don't do any hamstring direct work, will somehow damage my knees? If you are doing squats and on Green, I would think once a week deadlifts would be enough. It's certainly possible. Squat focuses on legs and butt. I didn't train abs specifically for a long time, but had sore abs from compound movements pretty often. It's ALWAYS squats that injury me. When to Do It: Perform this exercise after bilateral squats and deadlifts. For Deadlifts I lift conventionally, I think training deadlifts in a fashion that involves training from a deficit and off blocks to be very beneficial. Squats just make you feel like a crippled train wreck that can't sit down to take a shit without 3 oxycodone. Also, I have to mix breakdancing and gymnastics into my weekly weightlifting routine and it is NOT easy. Overhead Press, Weighted Pull Up, Zercher Squat & Trap Bar is sick. You might care less about the test itself but the movements could be good accessory lifts for the squats and deadlift. She worked her way up with front squats until she built up the muscle to do back squats and now her 1 rep max is somewhere around a 235+ squat. The reason why you would do 1x5 is because low bar squatting as a powerlifter uses a lot of the same muscles as the deadlift especially the low back/spine which would suffer from overuse the most . Wed: Deadlift and Barbell Rows (Pull) Fri: Squats and Lunges (Legs) I think one thing to note going back to your original post. the complaining about sumo ROM is entirely arbitrary, if high bar squats had been the standard for decades people would bitch about low bar squatting now as well Jan 2, 2024 · Style Points: Different Types of Squats and Deadlifts. Building your deadlift does not build your squat. dips instead of bench, oly pulls instead of deadlift, etc). She even does 225 deadlifts FOR REPS. Building your squat builds your deadlift. Assists - Platform D/L, Weighted Back extensions, pause squats, all 3x5. If you want aesthetics as well, don't discount the deadlift. They shouldn't be a primary workout, but they aren't terrible for a warm up either. See full list on barbend. I train the BBB template without the deadlift day and my progress is fine so far. A regular barbell squat allows you to use greater weight in the long run and also forced you to stabilize yourself more and use your core. The bar should more or less go straight up and down. Hip thrust will get the glute activation of a deadlift, but not the same full posterior chain. Additionally, squats work addition muscle groups, such as your stabilizing muscles, whereas the leg press will not. I took a while off of squats because of a shoulder impingement, but I was still trying to increase my deadlift, that did NOT work. I seen that power cleans are good but only with the proper technique and that trapbar deadlift jump reproduce the triple extension of the power cleans but it’s way easier for beginner to use it Feb 25, 2020 · Whether you aren't yet comfortable with the hip hinge, can’t deadlift due to injury, or just want to switch things up, we’ve got 10 alternatives that hit those muscles without the back stress. Which one would be the best for a sprinter 100/200m and long/triple jumper. I tried do do some abs and cardio today instead of having a rest day. You have to find cues that work for you. But hack squats/leg press and lunges is a pretty solid leg workout. Monday: Back Squat Wednesday: Front Squat, Deadlift Friday: Back Squat I left out the upper body work because that probably won't hinder your DL/Squat too much. Feb 17, 2024 · In strength training, two fundamental exercises that stand out the most are the squat and deadlift. Backing off the volume and adding high rep work helped me greatly. For a 2 months I was stuck at 185 squat for 3-4 reps. true. A trap bar deadlift is closer to a regular deadlift than a sumo deadlift is. Last year I pulled 455x4 on the low handle trap bar while running 35-40 miles per week. Good squat stands will have a footprint just as large (or larger) than a power rack. going from 2 top sets of squats, two top sets of bent over rows and one top set of deadlifts every week to squatting once a week and deadlifting once a week made a huge difference. Plus, certain spinal injuries rule out deadlifts, not squats. This will let you lean more forwards and thus allow you to use the erector spinae more, which is a stronger muscle group than the quadriceps. Feb 22, 2019 · The Squat and Deadlift are two movements which embody a lifter’s ability to develop power, strength and muscular hypertrophy. By moving your center of gravity back you turn it into more of a quad-dominant movement - instead of hinging forward to pick the bar up you simply squat down. Do lots of core work. My deadlift is disproportionately higher than my squat at the moment, and I'm hoping to bring up my leg strength over the summer so as to even things out a bit, and I was curious if it would be viable to make this switch and incorporate front squats in as a main lift. These compound movements are commonly acknowledged as some of the toughest to perform in any program. The alternative to going lower with your hips in such a case is to stand wider. The other way around is rare but possible. How often are you deadlifting is the real question. I usually do squats, deadlifts, lunges, split squats, etc. There are other exercises out there for building legs. I understand Jim not using it in forever as a supplemental lift. I squat 3x a week. (Even though deadlifts are generally heavier in an absolute sens OP is doing beginner LP program and ask if RDL = DL in effectiveness for this program. You can do pistols and shrimp squats all day, and while they have their own benefits (the majority being related to mobility), they will not replace the squat or deadlift. (Also like a squat) Drop the butt until the bar is just touching the floor. For Squats I've used High Bar Squats or Safety Squat Bar Squats as my main variation, for the sake of getting more attention to my quads (High Bar) or more focus on form (Safety Squat Bar). Someone somewhere has put together a chart of relative percentages for all the lifts. If you aren't a fan of squatting then do single leg lunges, use leg press, hamstring curl, something but deadlift is not going to cut it lol. My back stays relatively upright throughout the entire lift (just a small amount of change as I go up). I found that when my deadlift started feeling a lot harder like yours is, I just needed more rest between deadlift sessions. And Bulgarian split squats. And look pretty yoked. I torn a muscle in my glute and now my physiotherapist gave my the advice not to squat heavy for about 3 or 4 weeks. deadlift means more increasing volume overtime - means your body will have to build new mass. Back squat, RDL Back squat - more weight, more posterior chain focused RDL - Eccentric development and way more focus directly on the hams and glutes, a conventional deadlift depending on a persons anatomy can be too back focused with spinal erectors and very little leg drive off the ground Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. There are probably other factors at play--it's not like sumo DL ruined my posterior chain--but my squat has been kind of ruined (excessive quad use) and my coach is rebuilding it by destroying my glutes and hams on the reg. I scaled back on deadlifts and squats (deadlifts hovering around 365-395 with perfect form) for a few months, and after ~6 months my pain was gone and I was repping out 455. Deadlift hits lower back more, Rows & OHP hit upper back. A sumo deadlift is actually closer to a squat than the trap bar deadlift. Junky squat stands might have smaller footprints, but they also have the potential to be a lot more dangerous if you lift any kind of serious weight. It's not clear to me why you think barbell squats are dangerous on the shoulders, but if shoulder mobility is an issue, safety bar squats are also great. Trap Bar Deadlift vs Squat – Comparisons . Those who have shorter femurs compared to tibia and torso are good at squatting deep. However I'm on my first bulk and been… Jul 26, 2022 · Standard deadlifts are similar to squats, but instead of bending at the hip and knee joints, you bend at the waist, pushing your hips back and pull a barbell or dumbbells off the ground. 25 in women. You would be better off sticking to either Squats or Deadlifts and doing one once per week instead of cycling them bi-weekly. Everyone loves to see those big numbers. You've got the push, pull, hinge & squat covered. SS has you deadlift 3x per week for the first phase then alternate with the power clean and then every 5th workout alternating with the row, power clean, and chin ups. Deadlift, going up to 5RM (375 today). That's why you can't do it forever. Squats, for example, offer a wide variety of different A trap bar 'squat' is a trap deadlift. Same with good mornings, leg press, etc. I think using a squat rack for the deadlift if there isn't a wait for the squat rack isn't a huge deal- it makes getting the weights on and off so much faster and easier. And honestly my legs grow more from those than regular squats and deadlifts. I spent 3 months until now trying to fix my form and the pain never really got worse, but it never really went away. My arms are pretty long, so my hips are much higher on a deadlift. For what it’s worth, in my experience, it’s not that squats and deadlift are bad, it’s more that there is virtually never a time when you couldn’t be doing something more productive instead. Obviously can't use the same numbers as main movement, so adjust them accordingly. 5kg (258lb) deadlifts. This is your deadlift starting position. My back hurt under heavy load for months. Pathetic, I know, but I'm doing something about it. As for your pain, it is something I have experience 2 times badly. She has 2 rods in her spine and squats shit I can't touch. About as close to a proper deadlift as you can get without putting a great deal of force on the lumbar spine. There are some alternative forms of squats that can be done that may provide the stimulus you are looking for to get a way with not doing actual squats such as lunges and Bulgarian split squats. I think if you like em, keep em, but if you don’t, there is absolutely no need to force them into a training plan. The other option is to go with a modified deadlift version. 23 in men, and 1:1. Favorite one is the barbell hack squat which is pretty much a "backwards" deadlift where the bar is behind you instead of in front. Apr 19, 2024 · xr:d:DAGCKoccpCU:6,j:2723976472907205919,t:24041203. Hi all, I have the following problem: I trust the general sentiment that squats and deadlifts are the most important full-body exercises, but for some reason I can't do them as efficiently as other exercises like pull-ups or any kind of free weight training (I'm aiming for ~5 reps in each set; more with pull-ups because I don't use added weights). But I don't think you should omit leg press because you squat. This increased amount of knee extension is why it's considered more of a squat, and why your knees are tracking forward. With your ankle, I'd be surprised if you were able to do the deadlifts instead, and front squats might have the same problem. Sumo deadlifts will train your legs more, so you might want to mix them into your training program if you're not doing squats. Meanwhile I've being doing stronglifts for 7 months and am currently doing 120kg (264lb) 5x5 on squats but struggle for 1x5 on 117. The deadlift is usually a deadlift variation if it follows a squat and I deliberately use a variation that keeps it lighter on At first she couldn't do back squats because of all the metal in her spine. While front squats are quite similar to back squats, they also have some unique differences (which are beyond the scope of this article). I still make sure to do squats and I do about 6 sets then do a few on leg press following my squats. I would prefer to trap-bar deadlift 5x5 each workout instead of squat 5x5 each workout at least starting out, simply because I don't trust my squat form enough to not get hurt yet and my back is volatile. You could always do deadlift as main, and a squat variant in place of traditional back squat. That said, even Bret prescribes deadlifts and squats in his programs and has consistently maintained they’re also important in glute and holistic body development. Progressing in conv. Also rack pulls if your grips strength is what's lacking in a deadlift. But in order to squat 3 times a week and deadlift twice I sometimes squat on the deadlift day and vice versa. They aren't. Depending on your goals, there is no "right" lift, but the back squat has clear advantages (due to the above logic) over the front squat. ovgg vcbh kmkqjw wilru zbnf rjv bdl glqdqj nglfkmlm uyafjj