Do i have a receding hairline reddit. You can consult a doctor if you wish.

Do i have a receding hairline reddit. I guess we just know ourselves best for sure.

  1. I have a widows peak and a pretty big forehead so its hard to tell. Possibly slightly. I’m have receding hairline and am losing hair in certain spots. I have shaved it all off before too and I can tell you things will get better man. I’m a 26 year old woman, I’m not transgender and don’t have PCOS or any hormonal issues (besides irregular periods), why the hell is my hairline… Tressless. You can deal with it by using the medical products on the market or "Keeps" or "Hims" or get on a supplement diet. He's been shaving his head ever since. I learned to let go as time passed and eventually embraced a shaved head, which I love. Then I realised that until I really started looking for it, I didn't notice them or if I did I didn't care, and neither would anyone else. We have pretty much the exact same hairline, it just looks like a mature hairline to me it doesn’t look receding. But I do have a full head of hair. I have 4 this coming weekend alone. Yes, if you had your front hair tied really tight in a pony tail, it would pull out some hair. It is not uncommon to have small red bumps on the scalp, including on a receding hairline. Best of luck. Make sure to look at your corners cause that was my first indication mine was receding. My family does not have a history of balding but they do seem to have thinner hair. Honestly, receding hairline is not a bad thing if you have the confidence. These bumps may accompany other symptoms, such as itching, flaking, and discharge. youre young with a good hairline. The receding hairline gene, as Wikipedia tells me, is in the X chromosome, so there's no way your dad gave it to you. here’s a picture Bad news, yes. I think hairlines can definitely make a big difference. I was fixed on my receding hairline at 32 and it did me no good. I've had the same hairline about as bad as yours since like 16-17 but I'm almost 30 and nothing's changed. You more than likely are but with preemptive care you can keep your hair for much longer these days. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic concealments, whether to "take the plunge" and shave your head, and how your treatment progress or shaved head or hairstyle looks. Fuck that noise. But I do have a beard to go with it. etc. For me, a dude either needs to have a fine hairline, or if it's clearly receding it needs shaved. I used to have thicker hair but i feel my hair has gotten thinner and my sides have receded as well. If it was receding you'd know. In my experience body, confidence and personality easily trumps a receding hairline. A receding hairline can actually look great on some men I’m a straight guy and I don’t think I’m receding quite yet so my opinion probably doesn’t count for much. LPT. I know there's a lot of fear surrounding hair loss drugs and people tend to be very hesitant due to side effects, rightfully so. When youre older you can hop on finasteride and you should be able to maintain this hairline across your 20s. I will do it. Genetics causes it to stop growing. You want some Thats what I am hoping, I have very HEAVY THICK hair, its mostly straight but i think keeping it in a middle part when casual and slicking it back when going out it ruining my hairline :( I have a tiny spot there that is visible whenever my hair is going up or back. Hey! I have absolutely no idea why I’m losing hair :c I’m not taking any medications or birth controls. You have a big but properly proportioned forehead. Receding hairline has nothing to do with the stuff above. hi! it could be a mix of a bunch of different things! i recommend a claw clip instead of a hair tie to prevent breakage! also leaving some front strands out! give some growth oil around those spots aswell to maybe see if it makes a difference! if u go to sally beauty they have the mille hair growth oil and they give u 60 days to try it and if u dont like it u can return it and get ur money back! Hello, I'm transfem, 24 years old, pre-everything. If you do look Into options for hair regrowth just know that Rogaine will only work as long as you keep using it. Please do not suggest to go bald, I am working on a lot of other issues, the least thing that I can have when I have the courage to look in the mirror is some hair. Baldness isn't a disease, it's on the spectrum of normal like having a huge nose. If its much worse, shave it (but don't do the shiny tanned head a-la Neil Strauss, please). The hairline will have baby hairs which can make it look like the edges are thinning but this is not necessarily the case. hats do not contribute to hairloss, its purely genetic. I started losing my hair when I was about 20 or 21, and eventually I recognized the inevitable and started shaving my head. I also have a pretty wide hairline and I have tried all sorts of haircuts, but by far the mohawk is the worst haircut I've ever had. Looking at pictures of me as a teenager it looks the same. Honestly what you have right now looks good to me. In early life, boys have a so-called “juvenile forehead”. Ur hair looks great. Your hair slicked back shows it is fine hair. My hair line is completely back to normal no hair loss on the crown at all anymore and my hair grows so fast now I have to get it cut damn near every week. I was born with it. That doesnt look like a receding hairline at all thats a norwood 1 at best. I say start going to the gym and worrying about your body, get the undercut, and let the rest be history. Essential oils are a traditional remedy people have used for centuries to help treat many different health conditions. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Do I have receding hairline? And what type of hair do I have? Locked post. It’s really normal for your hairline to change shape like that starting anywhere from your early 20’s. the hair still feels thick but the hairline is M-shaped (looks worst when pushed back) i am just turned 18 years old and am unsure as older pic of me at age 12 shows a similar hairline I’m almost 32 now and I distinctly remember this diagram from middle school when I was around 12-13 of what happens to your body during puberty and one of the things pointed to the hairline and said “receding hairline”. In the old picture your Afro is slightly covering your line so makes it look like it’s slightly more forward. I am 26 years old. If you can do that, I think you'll be fine! Learn some game and roll with it. Sep 14, 2022 · A receding hairline can start creeping backwards any time after the end of puberty, and will usually become noticeable by the time most men reach their late 30s. Do i need Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Maybe a center part or off center part. Hi everyone, I’m a 27M looking for some advice on a receding + slightly graying hairline. But the hair doesn't stop growing because it's pulled out. Turns out, if you have a pretty decent shaped noggin, it can work really well. Being bald is not an option for me. People call this a "mature hairline" and while people like you or me might have it further back then most this can absolutely be normal. I'm gonna try a fringe cut, just anything to hide the hairline LOL Any tips for styling or haircare to make it more voluminous would be LOVELY! Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Essential oils. ridethelightning6969 Reddit . Be careful with shaving your head. Because some guys don't care about how they look - or maybe they're just confident and like the way they look. As long as your crown doesn’t recede it doesn’t mean you’ll go bald. If you start looking for it you’ll notice a lot of guys have similar hairlines. The majority of men will not have the hairline they had as a child and will undergo recession at the temples and a bit at the front of hairline. Of course you're going to look better with hair. I've seen some young hairs appear where there was none previously, but I wouldn't say that it's enough to make my hairline visibly changed. I think my forehead is a big big and was hoping if i can grow my hairline a bit ahead so let me know what you guys think? Hi. Then around 30 I started thinning in the back. We do not have any age-restriction in place but do keep in mind this is targeted for users between the ages of 13 to 19. Feb 2, 2022 · Botox has a shocking amount of uses beyond smoothing out wrinkles, and those of us dealing with receding hairlines may want to consider looking into it. My hair still looks good from the front only but the thinning is getting pretty noticeable looking from above so when it gets bad enough I'll shave it. Rosemary and cedarwood oil may have hair growth benefits I was the same, it really worried me for a while. I can't see any miniaturisation on your hairline but it's worth keeping an eye on If I saw just this hairline I'd think it belonged to a 40 year old. A receding hairline looks thin and your doesn’t. I’ve always had very messy hair (see history for what my hairstyle looked like three years ago — not great lol, but I’ve never really had a ‘style’. And some women actually like the look. Sort by: Best Jul 25, 2024 · the difference between a maturing and receding hairline; 3 easy ways to tell if if your hairline is receding; the best hair styles for a receding hairline; how to treat and even reverse a receding hairline; Maturing vs. Without pictures it's pretty hard to say. It ain’t receding. Eh it could be a maturing hair line. Dr. I Never went back. You do. My hairline is receding and I sport the under cut. But I also know that those of us with the “widows peak” type of hairlines are prone to temple recession as we age, even if we aren’t full blown genetic male pattern baldness prone. Just grow it out and keep it relatively neat. It just so happens that one of the more significant genetic markers for this happens to be carried on the X-chromosome, specifically. If you're like trying to hang onto the last few bits of hair, it just looks sad. A receding hairline isn't the end of the world. He's even got thin hair in the front and his right & left temples look pretty far back. I’ve had my hairline like this for at least five years. Im a 16 year old male and recently i have been noticing the size of my forehead. My fiance' grew out his hair for a long time. Ive got the same hair line. Embrace what you have. The process usually starts above the temples. I’ve noticed my hairline has been receding and thinning in areas and I would like to know if there is anything to do to regrow my hair on accutane. My dad always had a huge forehead and started loosing a bit of hair at 55. Do the best you can to step back, make yourself aware of all the possibilities, and accurately assess the situation. I think you probably know that deep down inside somewhere. Your hair texture is pretty good as well. I have moved out, but I am also stressed out due to college applications and work. Lately when I get out of the shower I notice that one side of my hair is a little more exposed than the other, but I really can't tell if it's insecurity, the way my hair grows or If i should treat it, cuz im pretty young to going bald i guess It does appear to be receding, but you still have a decent hairline and if managed now you can keep the great hair you have. You have baby hairs and everything. Or check it out in the app stores Do I have receding hairline? Share Add a Comment. Your hairline over the forehead is still very sharp and thick. I have this subreddit to thank for motivating me to start treatment for my receding hairline. Do you lose a lot of hair in the shower or when combing? I have a relative that started balding at 19. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Do i have receding hairline or nah? Hair Loss or Not? Share Add a Comment. I did do blood work for PCOS and all of my hormones regarding that are normal, as well as iron. I hope this doesn’t come off as me trying to poke fun but I would suggest you check out some of the posts in r/bald, it’s what inspired me to just shave it all off. Men, women, and nonbinary people, trans and cis, truscum and tucute, are welcome as long as you show the respect that everyone deserves. Then I noticed how many early 20s athletes, actors etc have way more receeding hairlines than me. I looked like a fucking child molester. It’s hard to tell. How much so depends on primarily genetics and how sensitive your follicles are to DHT. Look into hims for treatment. Russia had this thing called the Great War, which was WWII on the Eastern Front and continued after the Allied Powers stopped fighting. Your hair is very similar to Andrew from Buzzfeed's "Worth It" series, from the hairline, colour, and even style. I've had the same slightly uneven receding hairline since about 35. My hair looks totally normal unless I try. Because hair is like the economy: it We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You probably just have deep hairline at temples. com What this looks like from the image is a "mature hairline" which is a very common thing to happen for men. I do not have a receding hairline or male pattern baldness at all but I've noticed my hair thinning from the scalp just above the forehead. Don't be afraid. I currently have a buzz though and I’m loving the look. I still have a head full of hair. I have dandruff on and off. It’s not a quick fix but trust me once it starts working it’s amazing. I'm 18, and I've always had a terrible hairline, so much so that people have questioned if I have a receding hairline for over 4 years. It is just that I had some people point this out to me which made me kinda concerned and self conscious about it. We’ve also explained what you can do to treat male pattern baldness and prevent your receding hairline from worsening. I don't know if that's what you're going for, but it suits you! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If you see receding hairline at the age of 15, it can be quite severe example of this issue. I generally feel bad for teenagers posting on here, stressing out that their hairline has slightly receded. com (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Also, loss of hair will make you look older and if you don't adjust your clothing then it will look especially bad if you wear youthful, casual clothing with a receding hairline. castor oil/jahoba oil/argon oil/walnut oil/rosemary oil can all work with different situations. Look around you, even many guys considered to have “kept their hair” have some degree of a receding hairline. Feb 20, 2024 · You cannot restore the hairs that have receded, but you can prevent future loss. I’d talk to a dermatologist again (perhaps a different one) and if possible show photos from throughout your life where it’s evident your hairline was different. Hi! Sorry if this is repetitive but I'm new here. Suck it up and shave. I want to know if my hairline is receding or if it's normal. I started losing my hair when I was 16 and now I’m 23, bald, with a full grown connected beard. I wouldn’t worry until you’re out of hs. Be the first to comment Yes. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Do i have a receding hairline Am i balding? My hair line seems pretty bad than last year. It still looks like a full head of hair, though I wouldn't care if it kept going. If you ever feel like you want to try a hairstyle that does show the hairline, you can fill out your temples with either bronzer, or a hairline powder matching your hair color. In fact, I have to schedule dates back to back on some days. He lost the whole top by 25. Receding Hairline: The Difference. It's hilarious. My hair was awful on vegan diet and I believe that's where I lost a lot of my hairline but I tink constant caffeine was probably the worst. Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. is there not any treatments or something i could do to grow that area out so it doesn’t look so far back? I don't actually think you have a receding hairline. I’m 23 and take finasteride and my hair has stopped receding in the corners (only place it was bad). I believe you may have a receding hairline. When you feel ready to be happy and accept your hair receding, give it a shot! Mar 25, 2024 · A receding hairline often occurs due to age and genes, but some eating habits and using certain medications may promote hair health, and in some cases, restoration. I'm 33 and have very minor receeding. Hang in there fin takes 6 months to see most difference but once it does it’s like a chia pet man. But the front does have more of an m-shape which is more in line with thinning hair than a mature widow's peak. I'm 21. I would suggest a tapered hairline to keep the stress off your hairline and baby hairs. Blonde guys have this issue sometimes. Hairline a little fuzzy. Here's the thing: there are real advantages. This is really concerning for me because I always had really thick and full hair and this issue seems to have happened out of nowhere. Nov 24, 2023 · 2. Also as a last resort you can shave off the hair in the center front part of the forehead just a little to reduce the visual aspect of the receding areas to the left and right. Be the first See full list on wikihow. Well you and I have a similar hairline and my and yours look less full them people are age but I wouldn't say rereading and when it comes to picking out a hair style Google famous people with mature hairline just to name a few hugh jackmen, chris evens; james dean, bradly cooper, Ryan reynolds and mathew mcconaughey do this and you'll look great Feb 1, 2021 · Normal hairlines come in many different shapes including low, middle, high, widow’s peak, bell, and many more. I’m 34 and I have a similar hairline. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS Do I have a receding hairline :/ Question Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now do i have a receding hairline? im 17, wasian Share Add a Comment. But I do wish my parents, barber, or doctor took my complaints seriously then because looking back, if i started finasteride then… would i have that perfect hairline… idk. A masculine hairline is not a good reason to not transition. Hair advice. It was, by the numbers, far more lethal than the western front, and IIRC Russia's body count by t This is seriously a strong receding hairline. If you can do that, I think you'll be fine! hey man, there is a possibility of balding but i'd also consider traction alopecia which is caused by tying your hair tightly for too long, i used to have longer hair and that is what caused my hairline to look different, i'd recommend watching out for the amount of hairs you lose. But, without trying to sound condescending — and with respect to you — if you're worried or anxious about this, please don't let it get it to you. If this guy was 20-30 years old everyone would be saying he's going bald. But Cavill is specifically not balding, as you can see from my examples. Highly recommend it. I don't really remember my hairline and my haircuts typically sort of naturally cover it up, so it's difficult to see in the pictures. Receding hairlines, which take on an M-shape, are normal and can happen to any Receding hair line is more of a function of genetics than anything else. OP you hair still looks good, but you are in the early stages of hair loss. Looks do matter with women but nowhere near as much as it does with guys as in attraction to women. I will no longer have to worry about hair care products or going to the barber. But if I saw it with the temporal points shaved off, I'd think it belonged to someone under 25. Sep 17, 2017 · Below, we’ve explained the key differences between a “normal” hairline and a receding one, as well as five signs you may notice if you’re starting to develop a receding hairline. Some have a higher line than others, also like rockpile said it recedes a little more during your 20's. if your hairline as always been the same then your good, i was born with a low M shape hairline with a widows peak, my brother has it with long ass hair, my father has it and has not receded ever in the last 22 years, my mom has the M shape hairline so look at family members, if it's thinning then it's receding I've met some men who I think look better with a receding hairline - if you have a good facial structure, it focuses all attention on your face. You can consult a doctor if you wish. If it's similar to Will Arnett's (Arrested Development) or Lance Armstrong's, keep the hair. I’ve been on accutane for a few months and have had incredible results with little to no side affects (other than hair). Or check it out in the app stores Do I have a receding hairline? 24M, I am Arab so yeah, I’m kind Receding hairline or no, the new haircut really adds a boyish youthfulness to your face. Have you considered shaving your head? I used to be self conscious about it until one year I shaved my head. Be the first to comment Nobody's Context: 17 year old have been noticing a lot of hair loss in the showers and in general so i cut my hair short and started using rosemary oil along with joboba oil and use a derma roller. It's at least receding in a way that won't make it impossible to look decent without shaving my head. Also, a receding hairline gets a bad rap. Let it grow and watch videos on youtube to make sure you take care of your hair and scalp. Also, don't get fat. That could just be your adult hairline (widow’s peak), however, the thin spot right in the middle in front makes me lean towards receding hairline. The line of recession is just where the hairline starts to recede back a bit before going across the forehead. You can look it up on YT, his hair is styled very similar to yours, but instead of combing it back and to the side his is more of a combover. Can getting waves and continuously brushing my hair down give me a better hairline? I’m even considering texturizing my hair to get my hair further down passed my natural hairline and laid. Idk mine looks similar and I have amazing thick hair. Sometimes people bald early. Do I have a receding hairline? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. The current pictures are purposefully taken to make my hairline look like that. I am naturally very insecure and this just makes it worse… If i do have a receding hairline, could you recommend mesures I could take to slow it down. I wanted to dismiss your question, but there may actually be something to this. I have no idea what's causing this. Tressless. How do I know if I have a big forehead or my hairline is receding? I liked having hair, but there are definite advantages to being bald. You look good with the hairline and the style, don’t worry about it, and if you are just grow it out, best decision of my life. But thus far I've had great success. I thought my hair started receding after this but when i looked at the pic of me years ago I realized that looked the same. reReddit: Top posts of July 10, 2021. and most people don’t have perfectly straight hairlines. Good news is it doesn't necessarily mean it will get worse. When I was 14 people used to say that I had a receding hairline because my hairline was slanted at the other corner and I have a large forehead even though I have always had this hairline since birth, I am 17 now and I dont care anymore honestly. I have also started eating more protein, and exercising at home. is my hairline receding?? very stressed. go for the organic versions of these oils We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Have always had it though. I'm 28 and have this hairline and have had this hairline since I was 21. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. look at r/tressless if you want to consider treatment Some people do just have high hairlines with some recession by default - even before I actually started losing ground, I had a 5 head and dipped hairline corners. also treat your hair with aloe vera and oils which you have patch tested elsewhere that are good for your hair type. This is 2021, there is no real reason for a man to have hair issues. It feels like I was cursed to have the absolute worst hair you could come across and I've never known what to do with it. Is my hairline receding or do I just have thinner corners? Should I begin using a hair growth treatment now to be safe? I feel like my hairline has always been pretty close to how it is now, but as of recently I’ve been paying attention to it more & now I’m not sure. From there, the hairline moves back across the top of the head. I think your hairline is in the same place bro, just when you have recently twisted dreads the root hair is pulled in tight and fully exposes your hairline. Here's my 6 month progress: M22 - Is my hairline receding or maturing? I have not been aware of any recent hair loss, my hairline has been like that for the past few years. . I have a pretty rounded hairline that’s a high on my head, so people think I have a receding hairline when I don’t. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. No one in my family has ever had a receding hairline although, my mom has thinning of her hair. Grow the front bangs longer and consider having the hair hang over the receding area. Just have big temples which makes it look receding. I don't recommend it at all. Or check it out in the app stores Do I have a receding hairline? Share Add a Comment. I have a jude law hairline and hasn’t stopped me one bit. I have been using rosemary oil and washing my hair once a week. Welcome to r/truscum, a respectful place for those who have been cast out of mainstream trans subreddits. Getting a scalp massage feels amazing. A slight receding hairline during puberty is common. I don't care what I have to do. I don't have a receding hairline at all, but still choose to shave my head often just because I like the way it looks Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Please confirm if i have either a mature hairline or receded. If your hair is "pretty damn fine" and you have balding in the family and you've had a receded hairline since being a teenager, I think you need to be prepared that it may progress in your 30s or 40s to full baldness. Just because someone has a bigger forehead than another person doesn't mean they are balding or have a receding hairline. I always had very straight and silky hair, had kind of early justin bieber wavy hair look till i was 16-17 and my hair was always thick but recently my friend pointed out that i have thin hair and during bathtime i notice that its slightly on the thinner side now. Preventing a receding hairline might begin at the first signs of recession or years into the experience (to prevent it from going even further back). the last three pictures are of me 1 year ago. Mmm thats not a receding hairline he asked “is that a receding hairline”? The answer is no if he asked is there slight recession then yes and that doesn’t have to be mpb that could be a mature hairline btw . It’s that or I may dye my hair. If you have long hair which you often wear in a ponytail, make sure that you leave your hair not tied back for 6 hours each 24, follicle stress causes migraine and even hair loss. I've had my head shaved once (Basic Training) I will never ever be without hair. But you may have always had that. I would appreciate any comments. They look pretty good for our hair line, I got more chicks with it lol. That will help your hair structure. Once the only real amount of hair left is on the sides/back, you just gotta go bald. These bumps can be caused by a variety of factors, including: Infection: Bacterial or fungal infections of the scalp can cause red bumps to appear. I get a little self conscious at times, but very seldom. We don't exactly know where their hairline was to begin with, but this is all a "maturing" hairline. Hair plugs meds killing and scalping other men. tl;dr ANYWAYS. I wouldn't worry unless you notice a lot more hair shedding than usual over the course of the next few months. The hair on the top or back of the head then usually begins While it's still a little thin (my last stylist commented on it and sold me on some Nioxin). As an old dude with long hair and a receded/mature hairline, I would kill for that hairline lol Jul 25, 2024 · the difference between a maturing and receding hairline; 3 easy ways to tell if if your hairline is receding; the best hair styles for a receding hairline; how to treat and even reverse a receding hairline; Maturing vs. (I have wavy hair btw) I grew out my hair and got curtain bangs. My recommendation is go to a very good salon and talk to them. I don’t think this is any indication on hair loss or a bald future. I may have inherited a big forehead from my family but the recession is apparent. Three years ago, after I was fed up with my own hair, we both buzzed ours. But it could still just be early-stage balding. It is a genetical inability to properly process derivate of testosterone which cumulates in hair folicles and damages them. But it's not everything. My hair is super thin and fine. His hairline has been pretty consistent for 15-20 years at this point. I feel like my hair is coming back in very little around my hairline after quitting coffee and eating more meat again. This gives the illusion of a slightly lowered hairline, and many cis women also use this technique when they have receding hairlines or thinning hair for whatever reason. You are too young to start shaving your head. Mehr recommends scalp Botox for this is definitely a receding hairline. Of course a lot women care and will judge you for your receding hairline. Take pictures with date stamps every 3-6 months or so if you’re worried about it and see if you notice any changes, and if you do you could always start medical therapy (fin and min) and I bet you’d respond well. 436K subscribers in the malehairadvice community. I guess we just know ourselves best for sure. At 40 years old, Jason Momoa Yes you’re receding, start using a ketaconzole shampoo, leaving in the shampoo on your head for at least 8 minutes before washing it and get in minoxidil. The X you have is from your mother, so there's a 50% chance it's from your mom's dad, 25% from your mom's mom's dad, etc. New comments cannot be My hairline receded a little bit in my early 20s from that high school boy hairline to a more mature looking hairline, but it didn't look bad at all. I notice guys at work freaking out about going bald/receding, I often think it makes them look very distinguished and almost angles the entire head differently. My hairline on my forehead has always been somewhat high- even in my early 20's. r/teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. also the hat stuff is wives tales. People just have different hairlines and forehead sizes. I have no history of balding in my dads or my moms side. 4 years later and my hairline hasn’t moved. I am 6’11 and 16. This means that, since men tend to have only one X-chromosome while women tend to have two, women can have one X-chromosome "for" GPB, and their other X-chromosome "against" it. The day when I finally get to kiss it all goodbye will be glorious for me. Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Even *Enough is enough! Anymore spamming of other peoples post downgrading kia either about "kia boyz" immobilizers, engine failure, or car fires will result in a 30 day ban, and a subsequent violation will result in a permanent ban. If you are worried, never bleach your hair, never perm it, wash it, and condition it. You still have some time to rock some hair styles. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for dealing with this, because it's been seriously messing me up lately. Jan 24, 2024 · A receding hairline may start from the temples and appear uneven at first, but it then typically develops into a distinct “M” shape. I’ve had a receding hairline at the temples for like 10 years now. I have a receding hairline, and I know that my dad went bald at a pretty young age. As long as you have the M shape and it hasn’t just gone all the way back to make you look obviously bald, you’re fine. The best way to know is to wait 4 or so months and try to recreate this picture and then compare the two. It doesn't help that I have a form of chronic inflammation in my body. Jun 14, 2024 · By the time many males reach their late 30s, they have a receding hairline. I never noticed that my hairline looks receding until i had some troubles with my health and my hair got thin because of the pills i took. zvga irtw cxr gjla vigcm feopq cycqcj inqr iybtabr nxaveej